How to Become a Morning Person
Did you ever wonder how to become a morning person? You are at the right place. Whether you are in need of some serious morning motivational ideas, or are already a morning person, we can all use these simple tips. Check out our top 4 tips to become a morning person.
Do a little bit of planning (I know…more planning).
Even the smallest decision can be difficult to take when you are half asleep. That is why your morning will be a lot easier if you do a little bit of planning. Before going to bed, set aside the clothes you will be wearing and decide what you are going to eat for breakfast. Here are great healthy breakfast recipes. Maybe you could also prepare your lunch the night before.
Go to bed at the same time every night (unless you just gave birth or work shifts).
I am the type of person who can find any excuse possible to not go to bed at night. Seriously, I often feel like a child that would rather play rather then go to sleep. This is definitely does not help when I need to be at the airport at 4am to catch my flight. Sleeping habits are super important as they play a vital role in good health. Stick to the same bed time every night, and your mornings will get easier.
Don’t press snooze (I’m warning you).
Once you hear your alarm clock. Get up. Don’t even think about whether you should get up or not. Just do it. The more time you spend thinking about whether you should snooze or not, the more it will affect your level of motivation. There is no need to start planning your day or try to resolve the latest crisis at work from your bed.
Listen to music (it works)!
Many researches show that music can help lower stress and elevate mood. It definitely works for me! Â Music always put me in a better mood, no matter what the circumstances are. Listen to “I’m walking on sunshine”, for example, every morning for an extra kit in the b… I’m walking on sunshine, whooah…And don’t it feel good!
Are you a morning person? Tell us all about it!
Thanks for the tips, I don’t seem to have a lot of issues with morning unless I am really tired and then I can be grumpy.
I love mornings! Unfortunately, I live in a house of nightowls.
I aaaaaaaaalways press the snooze button. always!
I am a very early morning person and a very latenight person, anything in between, I can be grouchy and tired, but I do not mind waking up at 4 in the morning, I like to be up and get stuff done!!
I used to be a morning person till I had kids and had to get up!! Maybe some of these tip will help me??!!! Fingers crossed!!
Thanks for the tips! I am really not a morning person.
I’m guilty of the snooze button! I almost wish it were never created! Definitely going to try the music tip đŸ™‚ Thanks for a great post!