Coupon Etiquette
When I go couponing I often see coupons on the shelves that were left from other couponers. I can’t help but to smile. It feels so good to be a part of such an amazing community. We are all helping each other. That is why I think it is important to respect couponing and to protect it.
Dishonest couponing affects everyone. If someone uses coupons in ways that they are not intended to, it will have an effect on the stores, the manufacturers, and also other couponers. Stores and manufacturers will then put more limits and may stop offering coupons. A life without coupons is a pretty boring one. LOL. We all need coupons to save money, to help ourselves, and others. So let’s be honest and protect couponing.
In my opinion, an honest couponer doesn’t clear shelves or tear pad coupons. Also, it makes me sad to see coupons being sold, but we’ll leave that for an other post. I would suggest that you review the stores’ policies and that you learn to let go, there will be more sales to come.
Have fun couponing, respect each other, and be proud of every penny you are saving.
I’ve seen coupons left on the shelf for other people and I think it’s really considerate. I’ve also seen people take all the coupons off a tear pad too, which I find frustrating.
I love to use coupons so much,it hurts to buy without one !! lol
I love couponing!!! I always keep it fare just wish more people did. They give all couponers a bad name 🙁
Great post. I have left coupons on products I don’t need or will not purchase for others to use. 🙂
I love using coupons. It’s a shame some people take advantage.
some of the attitudes of the staff and people behind on the line have made me minimise the use of paper coupons, I prefer apps like C51 and snap.
We coupon as well too. Nothing too crazy and if it really means it is worthwhile to make the trip to pick up or save enough to put together. We WILL NOT clear shelves and are extremely upset to see some doing it. Great post.
I love Couponing, I always organize before my shopping trip. I don’t like to hold up the line. I often give coupons if I see a customer with a product and I have extra to give away! I also like leaving coupons on the shelf! Why not, its exciting to save money or get it for FREE! The cashier always asks where I get my coupons from and I am happy to give out the information!
Great work Mitch! We are going to have to share some couponing tips lol!
Great article. I am always honest with my couponing, I feel that is important. The dishonest couponers make it bad for all of us.
PS I did a Lean Cuisine score yesterday, $33.50 in free products! I love couponing!
I’ve encountered a gift coupon when shopping and appreciate it too. I’ve also encountered the empty kiosk coupon machines because people let their kids continue pull them and play with them. Coupon etiquette is very necessary and appreciated by others. I enjoyed your post and glad you focused on this subject.
I am not a couponer but I really don’t like when people take advantage of anything at the detriment of others.
I love using coupons, but not something I can do very often in my area. Our stores just aren’t very coupon friendly. It is usually hit and miss when they will accept a coupon. And you never know what you will get. So we always have to go with a “if this works, awesome, if not…oh well” attitude.
I have left many coupons for others to use, why shouldn’t people save some money!? Share the love and that means NOT taking all the tear pad coupons. I agree, that just ticks me off!