No matter how much I try to get organized, my kids go to school with socks that are not matching. Alright, I am pretty sure that it is better to have 2 mismatched socks than no socks at all. Regardless, I feel like I am failing at keeping it together.
I Don’t Pair Socks #butIvaccinate
Doing laundry and trying to pair socks after a never-ending day just seems impossible to do. Don’t get me wrong, I love folding clothes, I find it quite relaxing. In a perfect world, my whole family’s clothes would be nicely folded and put away. In reality, who has time to fold clothes and pair socks? This socks situation was so frustrating that I bought 2 dozen pairs of the same socks. Haha! Problem solved. Is it really? No.
I can be so hard on myself but you know what? I decided to stop stressing over socks. After all, I feed my children, I keep them dry and warm, and I vaccinate them. Isn’t that what matters the most? I can say yes without a doubt. No matter how much I feel like I am failing, I am not!
Vaccinating my children has always been high on my priorities. It is so important to immunize young children to protect them and keep all children safe. Their health and happiness is what really matters.
Not every moment as a parent feels like a great one. However, the decision to vaccinate is definitely one of the best things you can do to protect your child’s health.
I am sure that you have similar stories. Do you stress over non-matching socks? Did you buy non-organics apples because they are easier to find? Did you forget to write your child’s name on all his mittens? I want to know all about it! Share personal examples of moments that have felt like a parenting fail with us by visiting and by using the hashtag #butIvaccinate on social media.
Disclosure: This post was developed in association with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Opinions are my own.
I wouldn’t worry about the socks because as long as there’s 2 that are clean and fit, that’s all that matters but I don’t know how anyone in this day and age with any kind of brain wouldn’t want to vaccinate because it’s the only way to keep you and your kids as safe as possible
Je fais la même chose à la maison toujours.
Socks, are not an issue for me. Making healthy lunches is my dilemma. And vaccinations are an absolute MUST. I don’t understand anti-vaccination believers; they’re irresponsible (and yes, I am judging them).
This was very interesting to read. I am expecting my first child and already I’m stressing about so many things. I think these blog articles will be a life saver to hear from other moms.
I don’t stress over socks, I fold them over at the top before they go in the wash, works pretty well. My kids were all vaccinated back when they were young, I just wish there’d been a vaccine for whooping cough, chicken pox and so many others then. I believe that children should be vaccinated not only to protect them but to protect everyone!
NO, as an adult I don’t even wear matching socks, I don’t match my husbands and I never matched my kids….seriously bigger things in life to worry about. AND I have pet hair on my clothes … prob have a hair or two out of place as well !!
Good idea on the socks haha never thought of this.
I find myself constantly reminding myself to prioritize and “choose my battles” some things are WAY more important than others!!!!!