Food Basics I Want It All Contest #IWantItAll
I have been writing about saving money for a very long time on this blog. From clipping coupons and budgeting to couponing apps and price matching. I believe there is still so much to talk about. We all work hard for our money and we should spend it carefully. This is why I shop at Food Basics on a regular basis and I always get amazing value for my money. Why pay more when you can shop for less? What if you could save money and also get it all?
Maybe you have it all already? What does “having it all” means to you? Having more children, more time, or maybe more land? It surely means to me more flowers. Ha! Yes, if I could win this contest, I would probably spend the money on flowers. I have been spending most on my time in my garden. Seeing all the flowers and trees makes me so happy. I would love to cover my entire yard with thousand of flowers.
This is why I think that Food Basics #IWantItAll Contest is really great. Until June 29, film a 15 to 30 second video to answer this question, “if you won free groceries for a year, what would you do with the extra money?” By submitting your video online and using the hashtags #iwantitall and #foodbasics to share with your friends, you will be automatically entered to win 1 of 6 prizes of $1,000 in Gift Cards from Food Basics or 1 of 3 grand prizes of $10,000 in gift cards. Yes, you could have it all! For more chances, make sure to visit your local Food Basics and receive a pin code to enter online.
Make sure to upload your video on the contest page to qualify. This contest is open to Ontario Residents only. It Ends on June 29, 2016. For more information and to read the official contest rules visit
I think these must all be Ontario, at least I can’t find one here in Alberta.
I went shopping at Food Basics yesterday, and was surprised when the cashier gave me a card for this contest. Good luck to all who enter!
Super contest. Good luck everyone!!!!
I’m definitely entering this one. I would love to win free groceries for a year. 🙂
I went shopping at Food Basics yesterday, and was surprised when the cashier gave me a card for this contest. Good luck to all who enter!