Getting married is so exciting, but if you aren’t careful, you can spend as much as a new house on your wedding. Realistically speaking, is it really worth it to go into marriage in debt over a big fancy wedding that lasts half a day at best? My advice is to save it for a house, your honey moon or put it in savings. If you are planning for a wedding, here’s how to be frugal with a fall wedding.
How to Be Frugal with a Fall Wedding
Plan your Wedding in Early Fall: If you plan your wedding early in fall, you can score some great deals on summer styles. It’s still warm enough to dress for summer, yet late enough that it’s not really a “summer wedding.”
Look into Different Options: So, my friend and her husband were going to get married by a pastor. I mean you would think a pastor would be cheaper than going through the courts, right? Think again, it was only a mere $100 to have the justice of the peace marry them wherever they wanted! So, look around at different options when planning who will guide you through the vows.
Plan an Outdoor Wedding: This may be tricky depending on the weather, but venues charge by each person attending your wedding. Check out local community parks. You can go down to your courthouse and find out how much it costs to rent out the park. You can use the park for free, but you may come into a problem if someone else is getting married the same day and time.
Shop the clearance Rack: Don’t even think about looking around at other dresses first. Chances are, you are going to fall head over heels in love with a dress that’s way out of your price range. The workers will try to point you to the most expensive dress, but head straight back to the clearance rack (usually in the back). Most of “last year’s” styles are just as elegant as this years.
Pinterest that Cake: Pinterest is full, I mean full, of do it yourself tutorials. Make your own 3-tiered wedding cake, or get a friend or relative to do it as a wedding gift. You can save quite a bit of money having others help out as a “wedding gift.” This works great for those who don’t have the money to buy.
If you really want to save money on your fall wedding, keep these tips in mind.
I got married a long time ago but I did it on a budget and it was still amazing. Great tips !