Honey Nut Cheerios Giveaway #BringBackTheBees!
I have always been fascinated by bees. They have been around for millions of years and it is the only insect that produces food that can be eaten by us. Unfortunately, we all know, the bee population has been in a drastic decline. There are many factors that could explain why the honey bees are dying, including the increased use of pesticides and global warming.
The consequence of a dying bee population is very serious. The food chain depends largely on pollination from honeybees. Bees play the most significant role in producing vegetables and fruits that we eat. Imagine walking in a grocery store and not being able to find coffee, apples, tomatoes, milk, and so many other foods.
This is why it was so important for me to share with you Honey Nut Cheerios’ Bring Back The Bees campaign to show you that we can all do something to help the bees. Honey Nut Cheerios would like to encourage Canadian families to plant wildflowers in support of bees and other pollinators. So far the Honey Nut Cheerios’ Bring Back The Bees campaign has exceeded their goal of giving away 35 million wildflower seeds!
To help you plant your own wildflowers, Honey Nut Cheerios is offering one of our Canadian readers a chance to win a prize pack that includes wildflower seeds, gardening gloves, gardening tools, and other fun items.
Please, join us today to help the bee population grow by entering our Honey Nut Cheerios Giveaway. Share with your family and friends and let’s create the most amazing wildflower garden for our precious bees.
This giveaway ends on July 3rd and is open to Canadian residents only. The winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hrs to claim their prize. Good luck and happy gardening!
Yay! So exciting!
We received the bring back the bees wildflower seeds in the mail & planted them in our garden. There’s lots of greenery but no blossoms yet, I’m curious to see what kind of flowers we get!!
CONGRATS TO THE WINNER..anyone else having fun with the bee app on snapchat? lol
I do love gardening, but I just wish I had more time for it.
I enjoy gardening, but we don’t have a garden where we are living right now. My mother in law just started a garden at her new house though and this would be a sweet gift for her! She always shares her plants and veggies with us when they’re ready for harvest. We’ve already enjoyed strawberries and rhubarb this year.
I would like to win so I can plant some more flowers for the bees now that I know which ones they are attracted to.
I am not able to garden like I used to but I do enjoy planting flowers and a few things in planters. I have a few perennials that really attract bees.
Super belle initiative, nécessaire et urgente! Merci de ce partage!
I enjoyed gardening and this is one of my hobby , relaxingandmyblooms inspired me to be creative whatever I do, I like to win anything about gardening, a title things will he so very helpful, I planted a lot of flowers #BringBackTheBees, I am a nature and wildlife person.
Ive always wanted to succeed at a vegetable or herb garden. I’m very new at it and our first attempt was a failure.
I really enjoy gardening and could use a couple of these tools! We have lots of bees this summer with our blooms.
gardening is fulfilling ..it’s a hobby and keeps me busy . would be sure nice to win this amazing giveaway .! thanks for the chance
I do like gardening! this would be super handy and nice to have.
Yes, I love gardening and seeing everything spring to life in Spring. We need to do all we can to encourage and help the bees, without them we would have very little food ourselves.
I love gardening . I want to win in order to be able to build a garden with my toddler and make a haven for the bees . Plus the flowers are so pretty and would love a bunch
I love gardening, but I don’t have much of a space for gardens. I go over to my parents and do a lot of their yard work.
I’m not an avid gardener myself, but I try to support my wife’s ambitions and I certainly appreciate the fruits of her labour!
I love gardening and I’d love to win as planting wildflowers is such an environmentally sound decision.
i don’t mind gardening at all. plus it also helps me to relax
I do like to garden, but I usually end up killing everything I plant. I would love to win as I love Cheerios and I would love to plant a herb garden this year.
IF I had been able to work this summer at my reg job I’d have bought tons of perennials for the year …I did splurge and have 5 baskets ..I was SOO tempted to buy more on tue because everyones got the stuff knocked down to 7.99
I so badly could use some new gardening tools. I plant so many flowers to try and help the bees and new tools would help me so much.
I love gardening! I would love to win so I could do my part at helping to bring back the bees – so important!
I like it but I don’t do enough of it. What I would love to do is when my husband is allowed to come to Canada, in our backyard I want to plant a garden with some bee sustaining flowers. Nd some veggies and herbs. I want to win cuz my whole family lives Honey Nut Cheerios.
I love gardening and I’d love to plant the wildflower seeds for the bees.
I love to garden and love growing my own fruits and vegetables. I would LOVE to win because we all eat Cheerios and always have and I love winning 🙂 thanks for the chance
I want to start gardening and this kit would be so helpful!
Gardening is definitely a love in my house. I’d like to win because I absolutely love Cheerios and bees.
I’m not a huge fan of gardening but Miss R is so this prize pack would be great a letting us both set up a small yet manageable garden.
I enjoy gardening its nice to see the end results when the flowers bloom or vegetables are growing, I planted extra flowers this year to help bring back the bees
We do like gardening a bit & have a few spots open that would be perfect to plant these seed to grow flowers for the bees. We also Honey Nut Cheerios!
I do like gardening. I want to win because it is important to do our part to bring back the bees. I have already planed wild flowers that attract them.