I hesitated for a long time before writing this post. I must admit that just thinking about my kids in the kitchen stresses me out. Cooking a meal already feels overwhelming without adding the kids into the picture. Thankfully, I am slowly learning to relax and let the kids experiment with food as I focus on the bigger picture. Kids that learn to cook are not only more likely to eat healthy foods but are also learn a life skill or two in the process.
How to Involve your Kids in the Kitchen
So, you wonder how to involve kids in the kitchen? Read our tips to help you stay sane.
Planning is a very important part of cooking. You need to decide what you would like to cook. Cookies, cupcakes, muffins, pizza, or even pudding are simple and fun ideas. Once you have decided on your recipe, it’s time to go grocery shopping.
Get your kids to assemble all the ingredients that you will need. Encourage your older kids to read the list of ingredients needed as your little ones look for them.
Mixing is fun, isn’t? That is the part that I struggle the most with. Letting my kids mix and stir usually creates quite a mess. Thankfully, with practice and guidance, they improved their mixing skills quickly. Just keep in mind that the bigger the bowl is the smaller the mess will be.
Pushing buttons
I don’t know any kid that doesn’t like pushing buttons, I mean real buttons. You will most likely encounter arguments over who is going to push the buttons first but try to (cough) keep your cool. Get them to hit the on/off button or the blend button.
While challenging, it is so important to keep the kids involved in the kitchen. Don’t you want a 3 course meal ready when you come home at night? So you better get your kids in the kitchen right now.
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This post contains affiliate links because I love shopping.
My boys love to help me bake. They love to mix the ingredients. They also love to crack the eggs. Pushing buttons is always fun too.
I really need to make this a priority – I know how valuable it is for kids to be involved in the kitchen. Those Spring Whoopie Pies look very fun!!!
I loved this comment ‘the bigger the bowl is the smaller the mess will be.’ I can’t say my kids were ever very interested in helping in the kitchen but surprisingly enough they are all 7 good cooks now that they have left home and have their own kids to feed.
My kids have helped from the time they were two. This is normal for us. I like that now they are older they can occasionally make a meal if I am too busy. The meals are simple but it all helps. Cute handprint crafts!!