It’s International Cat Day!
I love cats, who doesn’t? Whether you have a cat yourself, sport cat paraphernalia, or appreciate a good ol’ fashioned cat meme – we all have a little love for cats.
In fact, we love cats so much that internet-famous cats have become celebrities in their own right. Their faces, expressions and actions brighten our day, and often leave us laughing. And while your cat may not yet have international recognition, it doesn’t mean s/he shouldn’t be treated like the prince or princess that they really are.
With International Cat Day on August 8th, here are a few ideas on how to give your cats the royal treatment and have them livin’ in the lap of luxury.
Love and Happiness. Regular playtime with your cat provides him/her with a stimulating environment and experience – this translates into a healthy, happy and loved cat. Fancy toys aren’t needed. In fact, you may find that your cat prefers household items you never intended as toys. Some great toys include: ping pong balls, paper bags and cardboard boxes.
Go crazy for catnip! You might have noticed that your cat adores catnip and they aren’t the only one. Cats can react strongly to catnip because it heightens their senses – smell, touch, sight, sound and taste, causing them to run and jump around, roll on the floor and perhaps act a little… insane. While they may appear drugged, this is a natural reaction, and something that cats truly enjoy. You can purchase toys with catnip inside or sprinkle some on toys and scratch posts.
Keep it clean. Cats are clean animals and take grooming very seriously – full stop. So it only makes sense that they’d want a clean litter box area too. Make sure the box always has enough litter in it, is cleaned often and placed in a quiet area with little foot traffic so it feels private and safe. Try Arm & Hammer ™ Clump & Seal™ Lightweight litter – it’s half the weight of our regular clumping litter and provides 7-day odor control, guaranteed.
Provide a vantage point. You might have noticed that your cat prefers to be on top of your closet, climbing the kitchen cupboard or finding a warm sunny patch on the window sill. Cats naturally like finding the highest spots in your house so they can feel safe from predators (although there may not be any, this is a natural instinct), and keep an eye on their territory. If you don’t have great perching areas available, you can create these by bringing in tall scratching posts and cat tree furniture.
I love my cat but he is so miserable at times, he only wants to be touched when he feels like it, and he bosses the dogs around, he is totally a male diva!!
I have a main coon cat named aiko. She is adorable but could be antisocial most of the time. When my granddaughters come to visit, she hides in my closet as she doesn’t like the extra stimulation abd noise.
I will try arm& hammer cat litter. Seems like a good brand to use.
Thanks for your interesting and informative post!
We have two cats and they are spoiled everyday! Love the Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, it is the only one we buy.