Setting the Standard for Great Teaching with The Ontario College of Teachers
Our personal experience with the Ontario school system has been a really excellent one. My children’s teachers are so welcoming and knowledgeable. They definitely work long hours but they always find the time to answer our questions and concerns. When my daughter started kindergarten she was really scared and would cry a lot. Her teacher and the entire staff were so nice and comforting. They took the time to email me during the day to ease my worries.
I wanted to share with you this beautiful initiative from The Ontario College of Teachers. This public initiative was designed to increase the overall public awareness of the College and the services it provides. The Ontario College of Teachers would like to educate the public about who they are, what they do, how they regulate teaching in Ontario and most importantly, how highly qualified their teachers are.
Curious to get more information about my children’s teachers, when I found out recently that I could look up information on them online I was ecstatic! It is so easy to find a teacher on the OCT website. Their database is a public registry, which allows parents to search OCT database of members to review qualifications, history and education. I would also like to encourage you to sign up for their newsletter. Personally, I like to stay on the loop about changes and new trends in education so I will certainly be signing up!
The Ontario College of Teachers exists to serve the public interest. They regulate teaching in Ontario by setting high professional and ethical standards, approving teaching education programs and licensing teachers. They also have the mandate to investigate complaints related to professional misconduct, incapacity and incompetence. If you ever have any complaints, The College would like to hear from you at You can also reach The Ontario College of Teachers on Facebook and on Twitter.
Vous pouvez également vous renseigner en français au sujet de l’initiative de communication de L’Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’Ontario en visitant
i’ve had some fantastic teachers in my school career. can’t recall a single bad one.
Practical info for the upcoming school year for parents.
Didnt know about this! Thanks will be great info come september
I have a brother in law, two nieces and a nephew who graduated from the Ontario Teachers college, One niece teaches in the Middle East, one that teaches in Montreal, my brother in law and nephew teach in Ottawa. Very Proud of the Ontario Teachers college
The teachers do work hard and I think many KIndergarten teachers take great care for these young children.
That’s great that you can access all this information. You can truly know who is teaching your children.
I like that idea of being able to look up background, qualifications, and complaints that are investigated. Many states have adopted the Common Core, and there is some controversy about it, some good, some bad, but teachers and students are trying to adjust.
This is great, and I’m so glad I know about this now!
It’s lovely to read about a positive experience you had. Time and time again, studies show that it’s about the relationship between the teacher and the student rather than how much the teacher knows.
I did not know that you could look up a teacher. Funnily enough I decided to look up some of my kids elementary school teachers. Nice to see that they have added to their qualifications.
The Ontario College of Teachers is great, I love how they have a directory!
It’s great to hear that you have had a great experience. Some haven’t and I believe it all starts with a great leader. Since our Principal has changed hands my experience has been far better.
Hmmm, this sounds like a great resource for parents. I live in BC, so I’ve relied on other moms in our school to find out more about the teachers there. If I didn’t know other parents at the school, I wouldn’t know anything about the teachers. This would be a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
I was really excited to find this valuable resource. We have had wonderful teachers in our life and knowing their commitment makes any worries one may have lesson
I have a few friends who have actually moved to Ontario because of the schools! The Ontario College of Teachers is doing fabulous things!!
I had no idea that they existed. This is good info to know for when my children enter the public school system!