Why you shouldn’t do Camping Trips in Early Spring.
I get it, by the time spring gets here, you and the kids are so excited to get outside that you want to take this spring weather as an opportunity to go camping. Although, camping right when the weather gets a little warmer may sound great, here’s why you shouldn’t do camping trips in early spring:
Spring Showers Bring May Flowers: So, what this is really saying is it rains. In early spring, especially, it rains a lot. You never really know when it will downpour or a storm will roll in. Trust me, sleeping in a tent with little kids while it’s storming is a story you don’t want to remember.
Night Gets Really Cold: During the day, it may seem absolutely wonderful to be outdoors, but temperatures drop quickly at night. When you have 3 layers of clothes on, two sleeping bags and a kid on each side (inside your bag), sleeping is impossible.
You can’t go swimming: One of the greatest things about camping is being able to jump into a muddy lake swinging from a tree like a monkey. In early spring, it isn’t quite warm enough to experience some of the best things of camping.
Better Places Open during Summer Months: Some of the best camping spots don’t open until late spring and summer months. If you want to get the best experience out of your camping trip, you will want to shop around for the best campsites. Camping during early spring puts a limit on the places you can pitch a tent.
You need a whole Wardrobe: When you go camping in the early spring, you have to pack for every type of weather. You will need shorts and t-shirts for midday and layers for the night. Not to mention, many camp sites get muddy during the spring, so you will need extra clothes in case what you or your children are wearing gets caked in mud.
Still want to go on camping trips in early spring? I am no party pooper, but some parties are better experienced at different times. Summer camping trips have proven to be better for the family and all around a more enjoyable experience.
I have camped in April andMAry, but in a trailer, tents never came out until it was warmer at night….BRRR!!!!
I totally agree with this. My family tried camping in may one year and it was a total disaster. It was so cold and the ground was wet with a strong downpour overnight. Never attempted a spring camping trip again.