Sultans of Science Exhibition Giveaway:
Multi-pass to the Ontario Science Centre
The exhibition centers around nine themes: flight; medical inventions; Islamic astronomy; mathematics, art and architecture; optical science; fine technology; applied hydrology; great explorers; and The House of Wisdom.
In the Foundation of Optical Science area you will find the optical laboratory of Ibn Al-Haytham, a 10th century Muslim physicist who invented the pinhole camera. My kids were really thrilled to conduct different experiments in the laboratory.
Sultans of Science: 1,000 Years of Knowledge Rediscovered is now open and will run until June 7, 2014. The exhibition has traveled to 11 countries and four continents since it was first developed more than a decade ago.
About the Ontario Science Centre
The Ontario Science Centre delights, informs and challenges the communities we serve, enriching people’s lives and understanding through engagement with science of local, national and global relevance. Since 1969, the Ontario Science Centre has welcomed more than 48 million visitors, with an interactive approach that was the model for Science Centres around the world. It is the public centre for innovative thinking and provocative dialogue in science and technology, aiming to inspire a lifelong journey of curiosity, discovery and action to create a better future for the planet. The Ontario Science Centre is an agency of the Government of Ontario. Please visit us at
Enter to win:
A multi-person pass (up to five people) to the Ontario Science Centre. Value of $110.
A Pinhole Camera Kit.
The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave Us the Renaissance.
I have been before and we try to go every year.
I definitely have been here many times before.
Yes I have been here many times before!!
I have been… it’s a great place to take the kids for an afternoon. I haven’t been to this exhibit though, and I know my oldest would LOVE to go!
I’ve been but it’s been a long time since.
I last went there 18 years ago when I was little so I don’t remember anything about the place now!
I have never been, but would love to go.
Yes, I’ve been to the Science Centre.
My aunt took me to the Ontario Science Centre in the 80s. I was about 12 years old and I distinctly remember being in awe of the hologram display! It was really cool to see the static ball make people’s hair stand on end as well. I would love to give my family this experience!
Yes I have been to the Science Centre before!
I took my son over March Break. So much fun!!
Yes, I have. but not for many years
I grew up a 10 minute drive from the Science Centre and used to go several times a year. I haven’t been in at least 25 years so I’m due. Hoping to go with my Family this July. My kids would love it!
Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
been many times
My husband and I both visited the Science Centre often when we were kids (mumble mumble) years ago, but we have never been there together. We have recently been talking about visiting the Science Centre when we visit Toronto again. It’s a place that holds fond memories for both of us and fostered our appreciation for the sciences.
It’s been years since I’ve been to the Science Centre!
I have gone before but I have not visited in a while.
I moved here a little over 8 years ago from the States and my hubby is Canadian. I love having him take me anywhere and everywhere that he can so I can learn and see everything Canada has to offer. This is one of my priorities to go to the Science Centre here in Ontario. A must see. I would sure love to win this so I could send all sorts of pics and stories back home to my kids and family. They would be thrilled to see them.
yes my kids love it!
Yes, I have been before and love going.
It’s been years since I’ve been to the Science Centre.
Yes I have been a long time ago and would like the opportunity to go with my son.
I took my kids to the OSC just last year. Would love to go again! 🙂
I’ve been but it’s been years!
I’ve never been to the Ontario Science Centre, so it would be amazing to win this.
What a great exhibit. My friend homeschools, this would be great for her kids.
I have never been there and would LOVE to get a chance to go. And having friends along would be an added plus!! 🙂
I have not been since my son was quite young so would love a retrip
Yes, I have been here before a few times!
I visited in 1996… good times!
Yes we have been before many times.
i have been many times even took my nephew once
Yes I have been to the Ontario Science Centre but my two children have not. I think they would love it.
Yes with school many years ago!
Yes I have been before!!!
I have been to the OSC before!
It been over 12 years since i have been would love to win and see whats changed!! 🙂
I have been to the Science Centre before but when I was in public school. I absolutely loved it!
Yes, we are huge fans of the OSC. My daughter’s Guide troope recently had a sleep over there!
I’m really looking forward to checking out this exhibit at the OSC. It sounds fascinating.
I have been to the Ontario Science Centre but my two children haven’t. I think they would really enjoy themselves.
Yes, I have been here before.
I always loved visiting the Ontario Science Centre. It’s been about 15 years since I was there last. My kids have never been as of yet. I think this year though they would really enjoy it and learn lots while exploring through the exhibits. My 6 year old Son especially would love it. He has a special place in his room he calls his museum which displays all his precious things. He enjoys setting up everything and then having our family walk through his exhibit. Somethings are for viewing only but he also sets up some interactive displays and enjoys talking about his collection. It’s very cute. I think he would get a lot of great ideas of how he can add to his exhibit at home if he had a the chance to come to the Ontario Science Centre. He is a very curious little boy.
Yes i have been to the OSC before!
yes in elementary school 🙂
I have never been! I’d love to take my niece and nephew.
I haven’t been since the kids were little…would love a revisit!
I’ve been to the Ontario Science Centre about 15 years ago. It’s definitely on my list of day adventures to take my family to this summer. My 4 and 6 year old have never been but I know they will love it. And I will enjoy seeing how it’s all changed since last time I was there.
Of course I have been before!
I have been, but not since I was a kid and I would really like my daughters to experience the Science centre just like I did.
Yes I have been and I love it!
It’s been a very long time since I’ve been to the Ontario Science Centre but I always enjoyed visiting. I loved being able to touch things when learning something new. It was so much fun exploring the different rooms. I think my 4 and 6 year old would really enjoy it. If we don’t win I’ll have to make sure we go this summer regardless. It’ll be a wonderful place to visit often as they grow up.
I have been but not in donkeys ages. I am sure its been updated since then and would love to see it now
It’s been a few years but my boys and I have probably been a dozen times!! so much fun !
It’s been ages since I’ve gone but the memories I have of going to the Ontario Science Centre were all wonderful. Looking forward to sharing this gem with my kids. They are budding scientist who would thoroughly enjoy exploring all that the Ontario Science Centre has to offer.
It was probably 20 years ago since I was last at the Ontario Science Centre. I was lucky enough to go many times and each time my experience was unique and fun. I always had a great time exploring with friends and family throughout all the exhibits. I would love the chance to take my 4 and 6 year old. They have never been but I know they would have a fantastic time. I would also enjoy re-visiting one of my childhood stomping grounds. I know it will be different from what I remember because the exhibits are always changing (as they should), but the essence of the Ontario Science Centre will always stay intact. It’s a wonderful place for children and adults of all ages to explore, learn , touch, experiment with and ask questions. It would be a wonderful family outing to visit the Ontario Science Centre.
yes i have been several times to the science center i love going there
I have been to the Ontario Science Centre but it’s been a really really long time. I would love to come back and explore with my kids. They are 4 and 6 and have never been to the Ontario Science Centre. I know they would love it. They are very curious little guys and love learning by getting right into the action. Hands on exhibits really appeal to them. Hope to win this fantastic prize for them.
Crossing my fingers! Its been a long time since I’ve been to the Ontario Science Centre and I would love to take the family!
It’s been too long since I was at the Ontario Science Centre. Would love to take my kids- they are 4 and 6. They would have a blast!!
The Science centre is a great outing for children of all ages. I don’t go as often as I’d like but I’ve been going since I was a child and it’s always an adventure.
The entire family loves the interactive displays at the Science Centre. We try to visit a couple of times a year
It’s been about 20 years since I’ve been to the Ontario Science Centre. I can only image how much it’s changed since I was last there and how much fun it would be to bring my 2 little ones to learn and explore at one of my most favourite childhood stomping grounds. It’s wonderful to have such an incredible place that supports kids curiosity.
its been many eyars since I have been would love to go back after 15 years and see the awesome changes!
We went with my parents and brother’s family 2 years ago. It was very neat, but my little one was too young to enjoy it. I would love to take him back.
No, I haven’t been to the Ontario Science Centre but I would love to go.
I’ve been there once before many years ago.
I was lucky enough as a little girl to visit the Ontario Science Centre several times through brownies, girl guides, school trips and family staycations. Now that I’m all grown up and have a 4 and 6 year old of my own, I would love to take them to explore this amazing hands on, kid friendly, place which supports and fosters a love of science and curiosity. My kids have never been yet but they are ready for it.
My kids LOVE the Science Centre, but it’s gotten super expensive. Would love this and it would get a lot of use!
I love the IMAX films that they do because there’s a lot of walking around so it’s nice to sit and relax while still learning. 😀
Last time i went to the science centre was 10 years ago with my son on his school trip! now I have 2 more kids I would love to take as well
I have been to the Ontario Science Centre as a child. Now I have children of my own who haven’t been to the Ontario Science Centre but I know they would love it just as much as I remember loving it. A cousin of mine just took her 4 kids and they had a blast. A highlight was playing on a child life size Lego building- sounds amazing. My curious little ones would have a blast there.
I really enjoyed the Marvel exhibit from about 8 years ago. They used superheroes to show kids how science and the human body work.
I have wonderful memories of going to the Ontario Science Centre with my family and on school trips when I was little. It’s a wonderful place to support curiosity. I have two curious kids of my own now. They are 4 and 6. The perfect age to explore the Ontario Science Centre.
This looks like a fun and educational place! I’m not all that into science but I love visiting our local science museum.
never been, always wanted to go
I have been to the Ontario Science Centre. The last time I went was when I was a teenager (20 years ago). Now I am the proud Mom of a very curious 6 year old boy and 4 year old little girl. They have never been to the Ontario Science Centre. I know they would love it. We have countless science kits/experiment projects- they are fascinated with science. I know it would be a fantastic family adventure.
Its been over 20 years.
I took my daughter 4 yrs ago and I’m sure she’s already forgotten what it was like.
Love to enter the contest!
I had no idea this exhibit was going on. It sounds fascinating. I’ve been to the Science Centre before because it’s a great place to have fun while learning.
I was at the Science Center a number of years back with my oldest son’s class. I would love to take my other kids!
No, I haven’t been to the Ontario Science Centre
I have been when I was attending school, it would be nice to take my son there.
This looks like a great place that my boys would totally love. We go to the discovery science museum by our house however they would like this place just as much
Yes my son likes it there
I have been to the science centre before! I went when I was around 13 and I am now 22. I would LOVE to win these tickets so I can take my little brother. He has never been and it would be great to spend some quality time with him doing something I know he would love and be excited for!
My daughter would love this she loves Science centres and we have visited many of them. I will have to take her here.
No – have barely been to ON and don’t remember ON at all even.
I went to the Ontario Science Centre as a child and would now LOVE to take my own children!
Yes…multiple times but I always enjoy it!
oh I wish we lived there! sending this to some of my friends that do!
Never been there before in my life,heard it’s an interesting place to check out.
It has been over 40 years since I have been to the science centre
I’ve been many times and love it. Now I have a son of my own and he’s reaching the age where he would just love to experience it too! With or without these free tickets, it’s on my list of summer activities for this year 🙂
I have never been, but would love to bring the kids!
Yes, I’ve been to the Science Centre when I was a kid.
Haven’t been in years would love to take my girls there.
Yes, twice, and would like to go again with my nephew n nieces
yes, I have been. bringing my family with me several times
Last time I went to the science center was years ago , took my at the time 6 year old niece , who enjoyed it a lot & would not mind taking again .
I Love the Science Center…….my kids went today actually, and can’t wait to go again!
I used to go to the Science Centre frequently when I was a child, but I did take my daughters there a couple of years ago. We can’t wait to go back
I went the science centre a few times as a kid, but i have yet to take my own kids! They would LOVE this trip!
I have been to the Ontario Science Centre but it was around 6 years ago. I think it is time to go back!
I haven’t been since high school but loved it!! That was a long time ago! Would love to take my boys!!
The kids just love the hands on exhibits at the Science Center!
i went to the science centre when i was a child. i think my kids would like to go.
What a really cool place! My husband would get lost for hours in this place!
never been 🙁
Love the Science Centre. Haven’t been there since I was in my teens!
not for a couple years but really like it
I’ve been to OSC once many years ago.
The Science Centre is a fun way to learn about science and technology!
I love the Science centre. Would love to win and bring my family.
Haven’t been in a couple of years. Love the Imax theatre they have there.
I have been but not in quite a few years! I’d love to take my girls.
I went when I was a kid I remember it was amazing would love to win what a awesome prize
No, but we’re coming to Ontario this summer with the kids!
Very interactive for kids. We enjoy it each time we go.
It’s been about 20 years since I’ve been to the science centre
I moved here just over 8 yrs ago from Ohio. Met and married my Canadian husband online at a game site. I love! Canada and love traveling all over as much as my purse will allow me. I have not been to the Ontario Science Centre and would love to go!!
I want to learn and know all I can of Canada and its history etc. As I am older now I want to tell my kids back home about everything of Canada that WE were not taught or learned in school. It’s a shame that American’s are not educated in elementary and high school of our neighboring country…..especially since we are both in North America.!! I am loving all that I am leaning of Canada and it’s people etc. I miss my homeland and family, BUT I feel at home and very accepted, happy, and contented here. I want to absorb all that I can of this beautiful County of Canada!! So I would love to win and glad to have that chance.
i was there about 40 years ago as a young student and never been back, i would love to go again!
Yes, I have been many times!
yes i have been to the ontario science center many times i love the science center its my favorite place to go
I’ve been to the Ontario Science Centre many, many times! We try to take the kids at least once per year.
I haven’t been in over 30 years,
I haven’t been in over 30 years.
I have been to the Science centre a few times as a kid, but I haven’t been in years.
Yes I went lots as a child and took my oldest when he was little. Haven’t been in years and with my newest little one it would amazing to go back. Thank you for chance.
I love the science centre. We just went over the summer when they had the video game exhibit. My kids loved it!!
I been there twice in my lifetime and enjoy the many exhibits.
Have been to the Science Centre many time when my kids were younger and it is about time to visit again!
It has been many years since I was at the science Centre last, Would love to go back with my kids
Yes, we were just there a few weeks ago. We live in Kingston and have to rent a car or take Mega Bus so it gets pretty expensive for our family of four. Everyday my son asks when we can go back, he loved it so much.
I have been to the Ontario Science Museum before and enjoyed it very much!
HAve not been back to the Science Centre since high school… a WHILE ago…
Many many many years ago as a kid and would love to take my kids there now!
I love the Science Center, I used to go all the time when i was young!
Oh my God, this will be a God sent gift if I can win it! I love the Ontario Science Center and I would love to take my granddaughter to it! thank you for this contest and good luck everyone1
It has been years since we have been there. We are long overdue
Love the Science Center! We go every year 🙂
I went as a child and I loved it! I would be over the moon to have the chance to go with my family! (thanks for the chance!)
I went a very long time ago but don’t remember and would love to take my girls! Thank you for the giveaway and for offering 5 passes instead of the usual 4!
I have never been to the Toronto Science Center, I live in Sudbury,ON and we have Science North here, but would love win, any reason to go to Toronto…lol 🙂
Years and years ago, but I would love to go again.
not for many years, used to take my boys there and now they are almost 40!
I did go there for a trip in public school. I think I was in grade 6
I have always wanted to go here!
I went to the Science Centre when my youngest son was still in a stroller, and my older son was 5.
It would be amazing to get to go back now that my youngest is 4 and my oldest is 9! They would have SO much fun!! 🙂
Wow now there’s something that I would love to do on my next trip to Ontario. We were there for Christmas but there was too much snow to have much fun. 🙁
Science?! I am totally down. I am a nerd at heart so this would be awesome for my brain 😛
It looks like a great place to spend a really hot, really cold or really rainy day. Lots of interesting things to learn about in a climate controlled environment.
That looks like such a cool science center! I wish we had something like that closer to me!
If I lived in Canada this would be great. I like to go to science centers and see all the fascinating exhibits.
You are very fortunate to have something so fantastic in your area. I have one son who loves museums like this and if we are ever in the area we will make sure we take the time to visit it.
Wow! Looks like this is a great museum to explore early science. My hubby and kids would love to visit this.
WE love Science Museums. This one sounds great but I do not see travelling to Canada anytime in my future.
I have not been to the science centre since I was a kid 🙂
What an interesting exhibit – I sure would love to be there in person one day.
I would lOVE to go there!! We;re not close enough,. though. ;(
How cool! This would be so fun, for my kids to see. Really neat photos you too
Would love to win. I have yet to go to a museum since high school!
What a great exhibit. Our family would love to visit sometime.
We moved closer to Canada but the other side so this is too far away. It looks like such a great place though, my boys would love it.
we love going to science centres, they have so many interesting things
I used to love going to the local science museum as a kid! Science can be such amazing fun. x
What a great giveaway! We love visiting science centers with our daughters. Not only do they learn something new but so do we.
GREAT giveaway! I’d love to see something like this locally!
What a great exhibit! This would be such a fun place to visit!
We haven’t been to Canada since they made passports a requirement for crossing the border. We’ve been talking about finally getting our passports this year. I’d love to bring the kids here.
This would be such a fun place to go to. I think our entire family would really enjoy it.
OH I want to go to these science exhibition so badly! My kids and I would have a blast. We seriously love these kinds of things and can literally spend an entire day there if we had an option to eat and just keep going.
It’s been a few years since I’ve been to the Ontario Science Centre. I guess I’m overdue for another visit.
This is local-ish to me. The kids were just asking if I could plan a visit to Toronto and the Science centre this summer. Both my boys have been but I have not. Hopefully we can make it there. Looks fabulous!
This looks like a place my older son would love! If I’m ever in the area I’ll have to check it out!
Yes, probably around 7 years ago
My kids would love to visit this. Me too! I wish we lived closer.
I would love to win this giveaway. Im a huge flying couponer fan and love your site.
I’ve been to the Science Centre but that was when I was in school about grade 6 LOL. It would be nice to go back again.
This looks like a great Soring Break outing! My son would love this!
I think science history is one of the most interesting fields within history… I love to watch documentaries on it, and Islamic components that added to knowledge of mathematics and science are so impressive for their times. I’d love to go this exhibition if they had it closer to me. 🙂
Wow, that looks like an awesome exhibit. Not only would my kids like it, but I would love it. I wish we lived closer!
I’ve been to the Ontario Science Centre before, maybe 5 years ago.
Such a fun giveaway! This looks like a place where my family could easily spend a whole day.