Things to Buy in January
January is always a good time to start stockpiling. There are nice after-Christmas sales and a lot of items that are discounted. It is the perfect time to stock up on things to help you keep your New Year’s Resolutions. Winter is also a great time to buy different fresh fruits and veggies.
Here is a list of things to buy in January
Produce on sale: Citrus (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, thangerines), bananas, kiwis, rhubarb, pomegranates, carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, squash, potatoes and sweet potatoes.
Super Bowl items: Chips, chicken wings, pizza, snacks, etc. Look for coupon booklets at the grocery stores. You might find coupons on soda, dips, chips, cheese, and crackers.
New Year’s Resolution items: Diet foods and drinks, exercise equipment, plastic storage bins and quit smoking aids.
Winter Clothing: You can find amazing deals on winter clothing in January. It is the best time to buy jackets, gloves, hats, boots, etc.
Cold Medicine: The cold and flu season brings great sales on over-the-counter medicine. You will find coupons for cough medicine, pain killers, hand sanitizer and other items.
Electronics: Deals on electronics started at the end of last year, but some prices will hit their lowest this month. You will find lots of deals on TVs, laptops, game consoles and other electronics until it is time for the Superbowl.
Linens: It is the time to buy pillows, sheets, comforters and towels. You will find lots of advertisements for White Sales. White Sales are an old strategy to generate sales during January, when sales are normally low.
If you can wait until January to buy these items, you will definitely save a lot of money.
I get a lot of things this time of year. I find all of the great deals, and usually use the Christmas money I was given.
awesome list, I had no idea you could get winter wear in January for a good price, nice to know
Thanks for this! I’ve been wanting to finally get a flat screen TV, so I’ll try looking for some deals this month!
Thanks for the heads up. I need to stock up on some of those things.