Have you ever noticed that every year the same things are on sale at the same time? This is what we call sales cycles. Every year, with some rare exceptions, you will find the same things on sale at the same time.
To help you get the most out of your money, I made a list of the things you should have on your November shopping list. November is probably one of the best months for couponers and deal seekers. Keep reading to save BIG!
Halloween items. With Halloween over, you will find Halloween items on sale everywhere. Most stores will offer their merchandise at 50% off. Shop early to get your hands on the chocolates and candies. I mean it.
Kitchen Essentials. Holiday sales are starting earlier and earlier every year. Go figure?! This is why you will start to see sales on kitchen items, cookware, and baking stuff.
Wedding dresses. In general, most people don’t like to get married during the winter. This is why shopping for a wedding dress in November is also a great way to find bargains.
Cars and electronics. Don’t mind older models? Go for cars, appliances, televisions, and other electronics. Many new models will land on the market in November making older ones hit their lowest prices. Shop during Black Friday and Cyber Monday but make sure to keep your sanity. Not every door crasher is a sale.
Produce. If you like to eat (who doesn’t?), you will be able to buy a large variety of produce on sale this month. Pumpkins, squash, cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, oranges, apples, bananas, pomegranates, and tangerines are only a few examples of what is waiting for you.
Knowing what is on sale each month will help you save a lot of money. If you can wait until November to buy the items on this list, you will definitely save big!
I always love to buy cheap Halloween decorations after Halloween to save for the next year. This year I found some really great deals!
I’ve noticed kitchen items on sale this month! Especially for baking of course but a lot of other good stuff as well.
Great money saving advice. I didn’t know about the kitchen item being on sale this time of year. I’m going to have a look around.
November 1st is almost one of my favourite shopping days of the year! I get so many great deals on healthier Halloween items that I can use on the kids lunches! You have to be quick though, everything goes fast! Great ideas!
gifts i see on sale but trying to get bills down to pay for holidays
My purchase for this November is going to be Flannel Sheets
I love the produce available in the fall.
Great November tips. I always mean to buy items on sale after a Holiday has ended but never get around to it. This year I’ll make an attempt and try to save a few dollars 🙂
Great buys are to be had, I love to grab the Halloween stuff
I will be starting to shop for Christmas presents, with 5 grand children I have to outguess their mom’s (aka my daughters) as I am the grandma who is not allowed to buy “toys”. But sometimes you can be crafty about presents. 😉
I”m planning to purchase some new winter boots.
I will be buying new Halloween decorations , great deals in November
I will be buying good food and wood to keep us warm this winter.I will also be buying christmas presents and baby items for my new grandson who was born in August.
I love the Halloween 75% deals
I will be buying baby items, and waiting for the arrival of my newest grandbaby!!
We will hopefully be buying another vehicle in November. Hubby wants a truck and I want another SUV so we will see what we end up with.
I love to halloween shop right after halloween. I get decorations so cheap for the next year… craft items too! Great post!
We love buying new halloween decorations in November – always great sales.
I figured the produce because of the harvest season just ending, but I had no clue about the other ones!! Great to know!!
I should probably pick up some new Halloween decorations this year, thanks for the tip on waiting until after the big day
I love buying Halloween stuff for the next year at 75% off in November! The trick is to not forget what I’ve bought, or where I’ve put it come next Halloween…
I get all pumpkins while I can!!
I totally agree with you about the Halloween decorations! I always seem to buy more for next year in November. I can’t help myself!