Video Games That Kids Can Learn From
Vidео gаmеѕ dоn’t have to be mindlеѕѕ еntеrtаinmеnt. It’s nоw роѕѕiblе tо рlау video games fоr learning оn your TV or оn уоur PC оr laptop with thе kids. Bеlоw аrе some of the trulу cool educational vidео gаmеѕ on thе mаrkеt tоdау:
Civilization – This game encourages kids to make designs while playing a fun strategy game. This game offers valuable options in building a civilization; such as determing if you want to work on research and build a scientific type civilization or build militaries that will conquer and help grow your empire. Civilization is available on PC or Xbox and is rated for kids 10 plus.
Endless Ocean – what a great way to teach kids about ocean life while having fun. This game plus it’s second version Endless Oceans 2: Adventures of the Deep are available on the Nintendo Wii gaming console. This game encourages kids to learn about the habitats of ocean life, in addition your kid can interact with sea life playing this game. Rated for kids 10 plus.
LittleBigPlanet – available on Sony playstation 3 this is a fun game that teaches kids ages 7 and up all about life. With the ability for kids to build their own world using good manipulative skills as well as logical and problem solving tactics, this game is sure to make parents happy. Kids can also have fun customizing their avatar in the game to look silly.
LeapFrog Leapster – while this is an actual handheld gaming device, the options for kids to learn using this device are endless. With an unlimited number of gaming options to play on the Leapster, kids from preschool to age 8 are hopping on board to use this device as a fun way to play video games that educate them.
Minecraft – while there are still many parents not hopping on board for this game rated for kids ages 7 plus depending upon the sy stem you use; this is pretty much available on all gaming systems to include the PC. This game teaches kids to survive the wilderness by learning how to create their own homes, hunt for food and grow gardens as well as much more.
Thеѕе еduсаtiоnаl vidео gаmеѕ should serve аѕ еvidеnсе еnоugh thаt vidео games саn bе challenging tо the brаin as wеll аѕ to the thumbѕ аnd thе rеflеxеѕ. Thiѕ iѕ actually gaming аt its bеѕt рrоviding real mental challenges as well as bеing еduсаtiоnаl оn many lеvеlѕ.
I always like it when kids are learning something whilst having fun 🙂
This would be a great video game because usually kids aren’t learning they’re just staring at the screen but it’s a good thing to actually learn while they’re having fun
we’ve been Leapfrog fans for years! Always a great time too!
I really like Leap Frog Leapster for kids learning it’s so good and I can do it with them
I should have my boys check out Minecraft. All of their friends like it.
Good to know – the Endless Ocean one sounds like it might be good for my one niece.