Voluntary Simplicity
When I was doing my Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, I came across a very interesting subject, the Voluntary Simplicity movement. Voluntary Simplicity movement is the philosophy that living with less is better and opens the way to a richer life filled with happiness. Voluntary Simplicity means different things to different people. For some, it means going to work biking rather than driving and for others, it is to buy only pre-loved toys and second hands clothes. Adherents believe that living a simplified life can help to rediscover their own priorities and values.
As I am getting older and smarter LOL, I find life being easier and simplified. I am more creative than ever before and I have to thank my kids for that. In a attempt to preserve and to promote the quality of life we are hoping for our grand grand children, Voluntary Simplicity is making more and more sense to me.
It doesn’t mean that you have to go to the extreme to enjoy this lifestyle. I believe that every little step counts – and that includes couponing. I am not sure if our stockpile counts though (LOL), but using our knowledge of couponing to help others definitely does!
I am already doing more simplifying. Spending more times with my friends and less time behind this Mac!
We just moved to a house that is less than half the size of our last one. It’s almost like being forced into simplicity – which isn’t such a bad thing!
I am simplifying right now by cutting back on outside commitments to have more time with my family!
I love this post, as I get older my priorities have shifted and yes happiness is at the top of my list. After all you only live once!
This is a great philosophy to live by!
Sometimes I think I have too much junk, but then I go “What would I get rid of?” And I go back to my having too much junk.