10 Rice Cooking Tips from Chef John Higgins
I had a terrific time preparing rice dishes alongside Chef John Higgins, director of George Brown Chef School. Chef John Higgins, who is also a judge on the Food Network’s Chopped Canada, taught us his top 10 rice cooking tips to create unique and fun dishes using white and brown rice. His precious tips and tricks came handy as we all need quick and healthy meal ideas to survive our busy everyday lives.
While working with Minute Rice® 100% Natural Instant Rice, I realized that I have been missing out on pretty simple and fabulous meals that only take a few minutes to prepare. Have you thought of substituting water for broth when boiling rice? Low or no sodium broths can definitely add flavour without adding any salt. Not only can you create mouth-watering meals with broth and spices but you can also add zest and nuts for some extra punch.
Add some serious twists to your instant rice with coconut milk and dried fruit like raisins, currants, and dry cranberries. Infuse your rice in your favourite tea for a delicate fragrance and gourmet taste that your whole family will enjoy. Another rice cooking tip from Chef John Higgins is to season early by adding your herbs and spices into the rice’s cooking water. Turmeric, with its robust and bold flavor seems to be Chef John Higgins’ favourite spice to add some kick. He also suggested to try instant rice for breakfast by adding almond or soy milk and to cut your Risotto cooking time by half by using Minute Rice.
Minute Rice® is 100% natural and Non-GMO Project Verified and is available in two varieties including Premium Long Grain White Rice and Premium Whole Grain Brown Rice. It only takes five minutes to cook white rice and 10 minutes for brown rice. Did you know that instant rice is long grain rice that is simply pre-cooked and dried in order to cut down on the cooking time?
A beautiful coupon is now available- Save $1 on Minute Rice® 100% Natural Instant Rice. Get it now on Websaver while quantities last!
More information and recipes can be found at www.minuterice.ca
Giveaway time!
Win a case of 12 boxes of Minute Rice® 100% Natural Instant Rice ($60 value)! Canada only. Open to Quebec residents.
I like to makr chicken fried rice or a teriyaki stir fry with chicken or beef
We always use instant rice! Tonight’s dinner is sausage rice & beans, one of hubbies favourites
I use instant rice and we love chicken fried rice!
Use handy and useful, tasty, Minute rice
in our families chicken stir fry. yummy.
Great giveaway too.
I like rice pilaf
My whole family loves chicken stir fry!!
I use instant rice and use it in curry
We do use instant rice, and my favourite rice dishes are coconut rice and risotto.
I use instant rice occasionally. I make a terrific chicken and rice casserole
I make a rice casserole with chopped veggies and sausage
The only way I know how to make rice is straight up and served hot. I usually make basmati rice. My husband loves rice pudding so I’d love to give it a shot.
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
We use minute rice especially in a pinch. I like adding it to soups too.
We like to use Minute Rice since it is so quick and doesn’t dry out as much as rice in my cooker did. One of our favorite recipes is a Buffalo Wing Casserole that combines all the flavors in a rice dish.
Not as often is instant rice used. I like fried rice!
Curry chicken on a bread of white rice
I make an amazing Spanish Rice with Minute Maid White Rice its so delicious! One of my favourite meals
I love rice, and I love making stir fry!
yes I use instant rice and I love to make chicken fried rice
Fried Rice
I use rice to make chicken biryani.
We eat rice often so this would be great.
My fav is chicken and rice soup
I’m a big sucker for fried rice, I just love it!
Yes, I love instant rice. My favourite recipe is for rice pudding.
I use regular Basmati rice. Until I read your review of minute rice I was under the impression that it lacked nutrients. I think I’ll give it a try.
I love instant rice and my favourite rice recipe is cabbage rolls! 🙂
Instant rice is great for making meatballs.
I have Minute Rice in the pantry right now. I like making Chicken Fried Rice.
I use instant rice in my broccoli, cheese and rice casserole, which is my favourite.
I like making stuff peppers. Yummy!
Yes, I currently use Minute Rice and I love it! So easy to throw in just about anything. But my favourite is a big veggie, chicken stir fry with Minute Rice.
I use instant rice occasionally….my favorite would be long grain and wild rice
I like making fried rice and rice pudding.
I love rice any way its cooked , rice is for sure a staple for my house. My favorite though is making fried rice yum !
stuffed peppers are awesome
I haven’t used a minute rice in years. I love rice in my burritos.
I make a Mexican Rice dish with Minute Rice that my family really likes.
We generally don’t consume too much instant rice but I like to have it on hand for a quick meal here and there. I love a good risotto or even a very basic rice pilaf.
i use as rice pilaf.
I use the instant rice. My favourite dish to make with rice is stuffed peppers.
ours is chicken and rice
We always use Minute Rice especially for rice pudding.
Love instant rice, I love to use it in my stir fries
i like my rice with a chicken stirfry
Chicken enchiladas
Minute Rice is popular with my sons when they are making their own meals because it is done in no time. They like chicken fried rice!
I do use instant! I love making dirty rice
I use instant rice on occasion. Most often I steam regular rice.
My favourite rice recipe is rice pilaf.
we use instant white rice , we love Chicken fried rice , thanks for the chance
WOW, luv beef fried rice. Divine. Pick me, starving artist needs 12 boxes of rice to eat. A life changing exp.
I enjoys chicken fried rice.
I do use instant rice and i like to make it with chili chicken.
I do use minute rice. My favourite recipe is stuffed peppers.
rice salad is my fav
Yes, I love just a plain basmati rice.
I use instant rice. I like to make chicken fried rice.
I LOVE chicken fried rice, sometimes I use instant sometimes not
I love plain minute rice!
I like to use instant rice in my cabbage rolls.
I like making mushroom fried rice.
Yes I do use instant rice. And my favorite is to put it under slow cooker bbq sauce slow cooker chicken and then the sauce coats the rice. YUMMY!! The whole family actually likes it! 🙂
I like to use instant rice to make rice and raisins
I love using instant rice to make rice and raisins
I use instant rice all the time. I usually use it with chicken.
We always use minute rice! I love it with sweet & sour meatballs.
I love white rice and enjoy it with BBQ’D chicken! It’s one of my favourites.
We use instant rice all the time, and our favourite way of preparing it is with a lot of chopped veggies
I like stuffed peppers with rice.
We use rice on a weekly basis. We make a lot of chicken and rice dishes!
I use minute rice and regular rice! I don’t have any one favorite, I love having rice for breakfast with milk, fruit and honey! Minute rice means I’ll have the time to make breakfast!
I am definitely a minute rice user. It’s pretty much a staple in this household. I don’t have a favorite recipe – I love changing it up all the time!
Yes I use instant rice 🙂 My favourite rice recipe is chicken fried rice.
Chinese fried rice is my favorite, and I love making cabbage rolls
oooo we just had Minute rice last night! I put a couple teaspoons of chicken broth powder and it comes out so tasty!
Yes Minute Rice is a staple for me so easy and I never get it wrong! We love curry and Rice pudding here.
Yes, i use instant rice, it’s great for stuffed peppers, no pre cooking. Risotto is one of my favourites
Love instant rice! Use it to make coconut rice all the time.
When I make rice, it’s a brown instant. I’m not rice smart.
We eat a lot of rice in many dishes. Thanks for the cooking tips
I am using instant rice. My favourite recipe with rice is Chicken Tikka Masala
i do use it depending on the recipe I am making. Love making pfilafs and rice puddings.
I make meatballs with instant rice in them! …”Porcupine meatballs”
I don’t use instant rice too often, but my favourite rice recipe is nasi Goreng with Peanut sauce.
White rice and I add brocolli and cheddar cheese 🙂
Butter chicken over rice.
We love brown rice, with mushrooms, red onion and green peppers !
chicken rice soup
No, I don’t use Instant Rice. I cook rice the long way. And we love rice pudding.
Use it all the time! Not so much a dish, but our favourite way to cook the rice is in cream of chicken soup – yum!
i use minute rice in alot of my recipes tomato rice soup stir fry and my meatloaf
we ALWAYS use Minute Rice!!! I am buying weekly. I love to have it as a side dish with Soya Sauce BUT I always love making stir fry and burritos
Mushroom Fried rice
Have been using Brown Rice
I sometimes use Instant Rice, My go to is usually Chicken Fried Rice
Fried rice
I love cabbage rolls as well as creamy rice pudding.
I love instant rice as it makes things so much easier! My fave dish is egg fried rice!
I love to make either a stir fry or butter chicken.. mmmm
i love instant rice. i love to use white rice with cream of mushroom soup cooked in it – yum!
I like chinese fried rice
I do. My fave is probably shrimp fried rice!
Spanish Rice
yes i make cabbage roll casserole and its really good
We use Minute Rice quite a bit and we enjoy it and it is quick. We like making stir fry
Mushroom cream rice!!!
Yes I do use Instant Rice and use it to make Fried Rice.
Rice cooked with chicken soup base.
I don’t usually buy instant rice, but occasionally buy brown and wild rice blends. I usually serve it under homemade Thai curry.
i do use instant rice. my fav recipe is green curry stir fry
love rice casseroles or stir frys
yes I do use instant rice, and my fave is a Mexican rice that I do with shrimp and chicken.
My favorite rice is beef ginger rice with stir fried vegetables.
I love rice pudding, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers and blood sausage all with minute rice!!
use Instant rice; love cabbage rolls(use rice in meat mixture).
I use instant rice all the time. One of our go to recipes is to mix rice with black beans, salsa, cilantro and cheese.
I use instant some times, this would be amazing win. But I like regular rice best for rice pudding etc. I have it timed down to a t for perfect rice
Instant rice is great for many meals. I like it with stir frys.
We use instant and long grain rice.
Beef pepper steak over rice
I love making fried rice! Instant rice is perfect for it
My favourite rice dish is a jumbalya. so flvourful. I always use broth when I make rice. It doesn’t matter what kind of rice I make, my hubby is set on soya sauce. grr….
Jerk Pork Stew With Spicy Cajun Creole Rice! Fabulous!
I love making Minute Rice when I make shish kabobs. They go great together. Just plain white rice.
My favorite rice meal is sweet and sour spare ribs over white or brown rice 😉 mmmmmmm
I love homemade stuffed peppers
Beef & Broccoli over Minute Rice
Love rice with all types of stir fry.
I make a great rice fruit salad
Love Cabbage rolls
I love making chicken fried rice with fresh veggies and chunks of chicken and minute rice
thats hard to choose however we like making stir fry mmmmmmmm
Shrimp stir fry
I love just plain old chicken or beef fried rice