Coupon Abbreviations in Canada
Using coupons is a great way to save money. Coupons come in many different shapes and sizes and it is believed they were first introduced a very long time ago by the Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company who started offering coupons to their customers in 1887, became a very highly profitable business using complimentary coupons to attract new customers. Nowadays, thousands of companies across the world are using coupons to attract customers. With the advance of the internet and mobile communications, it is likely that the paper coupons that we know so well will eventually be completely replaced by internet-based coupons and saving money apps.
If you’re dealing with coupons you will most likely encounter some really interesting coupon abbreviations. If you are new to couponing, it is a good idea to start by learning the coupon lingo as it can be very confusing. I know that in many cases you will be wondering what they mean so I decided to help you out by making a list of the most commonly used coupon abbreviations in Canada. Happy couponing!
AC After Coupon (the price you’ll get after using it)
AR After Rebate (final price after the rebate)
BLINKIES Smart Source Coupons
BOGO Buy One Get One Free
B1G1Free Buy One Get One Free
CRT Coupon on Receipt
DND Do Not Double
EA Each
ETS Excludes Trial Size
EXP Expires
FAR Free After Rebate
FPC Free Product Coupon
GC Gift Card
HV High Value
IP Internet Printable
IVC Instant Value Coupon
MIR Mail In Rebate
NED No Expiry Date
NLA No Longer Available
OOP Out Of Pocket
OOS Out Of Stock
PEELIE Peelie Coupon
PSA Prices Starting At
RC Rain Check
SCOP Scanning Code Of Practice
SMP Specially Market Packages
TEAR PAD A pad of coupons near a product
TMF Try Me Free
UPC Universal Product Code (bar code)
WUB When You Buy Two
WYB When You Buy
I love to use coupons but I didn’t know most of these! I feel smarter already! 🙂
gotta love those HVs!
I learned some new ones today, thank you! very informative post 🙂
Yes, Elizabeth, I have to approve them first. Thanks for entering!
This was quite interesting as I did not know all these abriviations for couponing, Saving this to my pintress. thanks for the info.
hmm, I don’t see my comment, does it pop up later?
I didn’t know very many of these at all. Thanks for posting this for us 🙂
This is sooo useful! I’ve never seen a post like this before …thanks for this!
This is so handy. I definitely didn’t know all of these. 🙂
i knew most of them, but a couple were new to me!