DK Back to School Boutique
I believe that it is safe to say that our kids will be going back to school really soon. As we all know, it can be quite a difficult time for everyone. Thankfully, one of my children’s favourite things to do is to read books. They are actually excited to go back to school because they love reading new books. I myself, am a serious book nerd and I believe that you can never have too many books.
To get my children back into a learning mode, we have been looking into getting new books. We looked at the DK Back to School Boutique and we found two great books to get us started. We choose the Human Body Visual Encyclopedia and the Children’s World Atlas.
We enjoyed reading the Human Body Visual Encyclopedia so much that we decided to read it again. I was surprised to learn many things that I didn’t even know about the human body. We found out that peppers taste “hot” because it has a substance that triggers the tongue’s pain detectors. We were also amazed to learn that the liver is a chemical factory that performs almost 500 different functions. The images are also really impressive with lots of details and colours.
The Children’s World Atlas is an amazing resource for school projects and family travel. It can be hard for children to visualize cities, countries, and continents but the Children’s World Atlas makes everything so much easier to understand. We love all the photographs, the graphics, and the satellite maps. The atlas is divided into six continental sections- North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australasia and Oceania. Each country and group of countries has its own map featuring cities, towns, and main geographical features like rivers, lakes, and mountains.
No matter which kind of books your family likes, you will definitely find lots of interesting titles in the DK Back to School Boutique. Check it out and get your kids into back to school mode.
Those would be awesome books for school!
My kids love to read too, and they really get into books like these. I love that they love to learn!
We ove DK books in our house. They have so many great ones that teach about everything you can think of.
What a cool book! I’ve got to get my hands on that Atlas for my kiddos.
i love DK books!
DK books are the best. My boys love them. I would love to add these ones to our collection.
These are great reads. I always encourage my kids to read during the summer and I’m glad that they love books.
DK has some impressive books for everyone…..recently we’ve gotten the History of the World in 1000 objects and The book of Tea. Would love to add the Children’s World Atlas to our collection!