Popular Coupon Myths
You might know these popular coupon myths. In fact, you might even believe some of them. We probably all did at some point but I would really like to address some misconceptions with you.
Only Poor people are using coupons
Only smart people use coupons! This is a common fear for new couponers. I felt the same way when I started couponing. I was embarrassed to hand over my huge pile of coupons when checking out. Don’t worry, you will get over this quickly. You will be soon kicking yourself wondering why you didn’t start couponing 10 years ago.
Coupons encourage overspending
Says who? Couponers are smart and knowledgeable. We do not buy an item only because we have a coupon, unless it is free. Couponers are not buying on impulse- we buy only what we need.
Coupons are only for processed food
There are a lot of coupons available for these products. The good news is that there are also a lot of coupons for healthy food! I use coupons for meat, fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. I always have in my binder coupons for milk, bread, and organics of all kinds.
You should only keep the coupons that you need
You should definitely keep all the coupons that you come across. You just never know when you will need them. If you find items that you can get for free, you can donate them to your family or to people in need. You can also trade the coupons that you don’t need for the ones you want.
Couponers are hoarders
Couponers are not hoarders. If they have a huge stockpile, it is because they are highly organized and know how to save money. I personally don’t have a huge stockpile but I save big every month.
Do you know any other coupon myths?
My mom doesn’t like to use coupons because she thinks people will think she’s poor if she does. Geez!
I use coupons to save money whenever I can. My only gripe is most grocery stores here won’t accept printed coupons.
I hate to think of all the money I wasted over the last 50 years by being to proud to coupon…I sure use them now.
For the first 50 years of my life I agreed with all your “excuses” then a good friend of mine took me shopping with them and by the we checked out she had saved over $14…now I not only use them but I am involved in a circle of friends who trade them
I try to use coupons whenever I can. Why not save money when it is as easy as handing someone a slip of paper?
I love couponing! Super cute article!
I’m a huge couponer! I just love to save money any way I can.
I love when I can find coupons for fresh food – although not as common as processed foods they are out there and can help you SAVE!
I use coupons quite a lot actually. I mean why wouldn’t someone want to save money? I price compare too and then tell the company to match on big ticket items.
Great points. I only use coupons sometimes as I am not actively seeking them. But I am the Queen of buying stuff at stores when there are special double reward days. I have masted points collection for sure!
There really are a lot of myths and misconceptions about couponing because some people are not taking advantage of it because of the stereotypes. I’ve heard people mock couponers because they think it’s not worth it or that they are above it but they’re welcome to think that while I pocket at least an extra $100 every month.
These are great points! Thank you for writing this.
Now that I have started to practice the art of couponing I agree with the above points! Being smart is hardly a myth, LOL. it’s just plain smart!
This is spot on! I remember when I used to believe in many of these!