Trading Coupons Online
When I started collecting coupons, I quickly realized that I couldn’t keep them all. To be honest with you, there was no way I could possibly use all of them. As a couponer, I like to remind everyone to avoid buying something only because you have a coupon. That is why you should consider trading them instead of throwing them away or letting them expire. However, that being said, trading coupons only can be time consuming and become quite a challenge. This is why I decided to share with you my favourite tips on how to trade coupons online.
1-Collect, clip, save, and organize your coupons. You should keep the coupons that you won’t be using in a separate place. I suggest to try to trade only the most popular ones as you will get the trade done faster. Coupons for grocery, make-up, and baby items can usually be exchanged quickly.
2- Join different trading groups and forums to get to know other couponers and which coupons they are looking for. There are large communities of couponers that trade coupons on a daily basis. That being said, you should make a list of all the coupons you are looking for (your wishlist) and the ones that you have for trade.
3- Unless you are trading with a family member or a friend, you will probably trade your coupons by mail. Once you agree on a trade, double check the expiration dates and mail them as quickly as possible. I usually like to stop by the post office to make sure that I have included enough postage on the envelope.
Trading coupons online is a super effective way to get multiples of the same coupons and to ensure that you are getting the coupons that you really need. Keep things simple, be patient and most importantly- have fun! Happy trading!
I haven’t traded coupons online in a long time. Mainly because people started getting really greedy and wanted your first born for a $0.50 off coupon LOL! I may just have to give it another go, I have kind of been slacking on the whole coupon thing in general.
These are some great solutions! I toss away so many coupons every month because I won’t use them, I like the idea of swapping!
Wow, so many great tips! I had no idea that you could trade coupons online! Smart!
I like the idea of trading coupons! However, I think I would be interested in a local group in my city.
Thanks Jody! I’m glad to help!
A lady down the street from me is really big into coupons. I will share this post with her, she is always looking for more ways to save.
I’ve never traded coupons before but if I have one I won’t use, I give it to a friend.
I tried doing this for a bit but ended up sending and not receiving the coupons a few times so finally gave up on it. But I know a lot of people do it and it works for them.
I collect coupons for a few family members….we also trade together. Everyone is quite happy 🙂
I love trading coupons!! So great to get different coupons I would never find.
I really don’t use coupons that much, in fact quite seldom. There’s only me and usually the coupons I have aren’t for what I like or need to buy. Swapping them would be way too much of a hassle for me.
What great idea. I often find good coupons that I don’t need that would be lovely to pass along.
I have never thought of trading coupons online. I would love to!
quite a few groups run what are called coupon trains, an envelope of coupons are mailed to specific people on a list, when you get it you take what you want and replace what you have taken then mail if off to the next person on the list, I have done this for years, got some great coupons and friends this way
I had no idea trading coupons was a thing! I’m gonna try this!
I did a few coupon trains before, and that was a lot of fun! I haven’t clipped coupons from the newspaper in a long while. I usually just try to find the good ones online!
I should try trading coupons, it’s just always made me a bit nervous that they wouldn’t hold up their end of the deal but even making two or three friends to trade with who you learn to trust could be really beneficial