For as long I can remember I always liked to play dress-up. I remember wearing my mom’s jewelry, clothes and shoes when I was only a few years old. My mother kept a lot of her own teenage clothes, including dresses and the cutest bathing suits ever. Can you imagine an authentic colourful bikini harbouring blue and orange flowers from the 60’s. You get the picture! I have to admit that I am truly nostalgic when I think about my childhood and all those magical times.
Today I live through my kids, who also enjoy playing dress-up. A good way to save but to get awesome costumes and accessories is to visit I am located in Toronto and this is the section for used clothing and accessories. is a beautiful Canadian network of local websites that provides the opportunity to buy, sell, and trade with other people in the community. I really like the fact that they work online but also work offline. They really understand the importance of making connections “in real life.” Community Coordinators can be found around the streets of your neighbourhood looking for families who need help and events to support.
Check out the’s #FirstCrush video of how items from the past have a profound impact on our memories.
Have you heard of before? Do you have collections from your past like records, coins, and books that you would like to get rid of? Is your home filled with too many toys and sport gear? So is mine! Hehe. Find your local Used site and start making room in your home by selling your old things. is super connected- you can find on Twitter, Facebook and on YouTube to name just a few.
What are you planning on selling or buying?
I want to try and sell some of my boys baby things.
I haven’t used this before but do have some things that would be perfect for it.
I have never heard of them before. I am always collecting stuff from stamps to dishes and find it hard to part with.